Friday, October 17, 2008

Brides Who Make A Difference.

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This blog is dedicated to my friends/sisters who are breast cancer survivors. I recall a prayer chain when we found out that one of my dear friends had been diagnosed with breast cancer. Today, she is healthy and still going strong. And then there was another friend, and another. Breast Cancer affects the lives of one in eight women. Although women are at a higher risk, men too can be affected by breast cancer. The focus of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month is to increase awareness, share information and provide screening services to individuals. It is estimated nearly 200,000 women will be diagnosed this year with breast cancer. Many of these women will be between the ages of 15-54 years old.
In going through my October folder, I found a pamphlet Making Memories. The Making Memories Breast Cancer Foundation is a non-profit organization which 1. which aids terminally ill breast cancer patients with a memory making wish; 2 increase awareness and educate the public about breast cancer awareness. Some of the various events listed are Brides Against Breast Cancer, Diamonds for Dreams, Pink Envelope Project and Nationwide Quilt Contest. You can find Making Memories on line at Early breast cancer usually does not cause symptoms. Stay informed, get a mammogram screening every year for all women age 40, and older and every 1-2 years for women under 40.

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